Upcoming Events and Happenings

Talks, Workshops, Conferences & More

Keep up with SE-Related Events

Explore our dynamic events calendar to discover upcoming talks, seminars, conferences, meetups, and workshops. These events are designed to help you build skills, share insights, and connect with others who are passionate about Street Epistemology and its consciousness-raising approach.

Use filters to find events by location and type, whether you're looking for online discussions or in-person gatherings happening in the months ahead.


How to Use the SE Calendar

All times and dates should show in your time zone. Please check the time zone displayed at the bottom left of the calendar to make sure.

Opening the drop-down menu at the top right enables you to display only online or on-site events. All events are shown by default.

If you would like to add an event to your own Google calendar, click the event and then click the link “copy to my calendar.” Clicking “more details” will open up a new browser tab which provides additional information, such as the recurrence of the event (if applicable).

If you want to stay updated about all SE-related events, you can even add all of the SE calendar events to your personal Google calendar. Just click the plus symbol on the bottom right—a new tab with your own Google calendar will open, where you can select the individual calendars you wish to add.

Add Your Own Events

If you (or your group) regularly schedule events related to Street Epistemology or have an individual SE-related event that you would like to have added to this calendar, please contact us so we can learn more about your event and consider providing you with posting access to this calendar.